Podcast_017: Craig Nadborne – Managing Director at Bradford Allen

Have you created your business and are now looking to move or improve your corporate office space? Or, your business is currently under a lease that you want to change? Maybe you are completely happy with your lease agreement and simply want to sign on for more years. Listen this week to learn from Craig Nadborne of Bradford Allen. His business is finding lease agreements for small to medium size businesses at no cost to the customer. This service allows you to continue to work on your business while Bradford Allen finds the perfect location for your requirements. Additionally, we discuss the impact of Covid19 on the corporate office and what the industry is expecting for 2021 and into 2022. We are in a tenant’s market right now. Listen this week to learn how services from Bradford Allen could save you on your corporate office costs.

Email: cnadborne@bradfordallen.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-a-nadborne-b04969/

Website: https://www.bradfordallen.com

Regus Space: https://www.regus.com/en-us

TCN: https://www.tcnworldwide.com/services/read/tenant-landlord-representation


Podcast_013: Savvyeur – Founders Keith Kriegler and Randy Cavaiani

Savvyuer focuses on marketing for entrepreneurs via programs designed specific to their customer through their 3-pillar programs, Knowledge, Coaching, & Marketing. The end product is optimized for the customer depending on how much or how little they require from Savvyeur. Savvyeur was founded in August 2020 during the Covid19 pandemic and now has 11 full time employees. Both Randy and Keith have startup and large multinational experience bringing well balanced focus to Savvyeur. We discuss some of the bigger obstacles they came across starting Savvyeur and the path to overcome these challenges. Listen this week to learn more and we hope you like this week’s show!

Podcast_004: Jason Jacobsohn – Founder Propellant Ventures/ Founder Institute/ Adjunct Professor Depaul University

Join us as we interview Jason Jacobsohn of Propellant Ventures. Jason is in capital investment focusing on early stage healthcare, future work, supply chain, fintech, and edtech startups. Propellant Ventures is a seed and pre-seed stage VC firm. Jason relied heavily in face to face meetings, personal meetups, & networking with goal oriented business / individuals but had to quickly change due to the Covid19 pandemic. Propellant now focuses on virtual networking and envisions this is will be the future. Listen today to this great interview!